
Monthly update #2

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Damien Arrachequesne

Hi everyone!

Here's the #2 edition of our Monthly update. This is a new experiment, we will try to stick to this frequency in order to keep you updated of the work in progress and the directions the project is taking.

So, what's new in the Socket.IO ecosystem?

Socket.IO v3

As announced in the previous monthly update, Socket.IO v3 has been released a few days ago.

This major version bump is mandated by several necessary changes in the Engine.IO protocol. You can find more information about these changes in the Engine.IO v4 release notes.

You can find the release notes here and the migration guide here.

Let's discuss about this release here: https://github.com/socketio/socket.io/discussions/3674

Redis Adapter v6

Following the release of Socket.IO v3.0.0, the Redis Adapter was updated and a new release is out: 6.0.0

You can find the release notes here.


The documentation has always been a weak point of the project, leading to a lot of issues opened on GitHub and questions on StackOverflow.

Now that v3 is out, we will focus on this. The following pages have already been created:

If you find a typo, please open an issue here: https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-website

Minor bumps

More information about how to use those custom parsers can be found here.

What's next

  • the client implementations in other languages will be updated as well

  • a big focus on the documentation (additional code examples, extended guide, ...)

  • additional tooling around Socket.IO

Stay safe!