
How to implement a subscription model

By default, events are sent over the wire even if there is no registered event handler on the other side.


You can catch those missing event handlers with a catch-all listener:

socket.onAny((event) => {
if (socket.listeners(event).length === 0) {
console.log(`missing handler for event ${event}`);

Reference: onAny() method

To only receive a list of specific events (for example, if a part of your application only needs a handful of events), you can implement a subscription model:


const subscriptions = [];

function subscribe(topic) {
if (socket.connected) {
socket.emit("subscribe", [topic]);

function unsubscribe(topic) {
const i = subscriptions.indexOf(topic);
if (i !== -1) {
subscriptions.splice(i, 1);
if (socket.connected) {
socket.emit("unsubscribe", topic);

// restore the subscriptions upon reconnection
socket.on("connect", () => {
if (subscriptions.length && !socket.recovered) {
socket.emit("subscribe", subscriptions);



io.on("connection", (socket) => {
socket.on("subscribe", (topics) => {

socket.on("unsubscribe", (topic) => {

// send an event only to clients that have shown interest in the "foo" topic

Additional notes

List of subscriptions

We could have used a ES6 Set for the subscriptions on the client side:

const subscriptions = new Set();

function subscribe(topic) {
if (socket.connected) {
socket.emit("subscribe", [topic]);

function unsubscribe(topic) {
const deleted = subscriptions.delete(topic);
if (deleted && socket.connected) {
socket.emit("unsubscribe", topic);

// restore the subscriptions upon reconnection
socket.on("connect", () => {
if (subscriptions.size) {
socket.emit("subscribe", [...subscriptions]);

Which is cleaner (no need to handle duplicate subscriptions, for example) but would require a polyfill if you need to target old platforms.

Connection state recovery

In the "connect" handler:

socket.on("connect", () => {
if (subscriptions.length && !socket.recovered) {
socket.emit("subscribe", subscriptions);

The !socket.recovered condition is related to the Connection state recovery feature.

If the connection state was successfully recovered, then the subscriptions (the rooms on the server side) will be automatically restored.

Reference: socket.recovered attribute